Scope of the Guide

Scope of this Guide

This Guide is about ConnectorCare, private insurance plans available through the Health Connector with both premiums and cost sharing subsidized for people with income not over 300% of the federal poverty level (FPL). The Health Connector also offers other plans besides ConnectorCare plans. Check the citations in each Q & A to see whether the rule or policy described may also apply to a Health Connector plan that is not a ConnectorCare plan.

ConnectorCare by the numbers in April 2019

  • ~211,000 enrolled
  • 24% of enrollees have income at or under 150% FPL; 76% have income over 150% FPL but at or under 300% FPL
  • 52% were enrolled in Tufts Health Direct; 38% in BMC Health Net & 10% in one of the three other ConnectorCare Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)

Basic information about ConnectorCare