Language Access

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Welcome to the Language Access section.  This section provides resources and legal, demographic, and other materials to help improve and increase the access of people with limited English proficiency to the legal system, including to courts, administrative agencies, to other public systems, and to lawyers, other advocates, and legal services programs. It also contains information about how to use plain language tools to write more clearly in English.

Has your client experienced a time when information was not provided in his/her language by a state agency, school, court or other forum? The LAC is interested in collecting information about language access law violations in Massachusetts. If you have an incident to tell us about, even if you're not sure there was a violation of the law, tell us more about it.  

LAC Mission: The Language Access Coalition promotes the right of all members of our community to access justice and public services regardless of their ability to read, write, speak or understand English. We are a group of Massachusetts advocates working to improve language access in the courts, government agencies and our own organizations.  We identify and work to remove systemic barriers facing limited English proficient individuals through collaboration and advocacy.


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