02. What is ConnectorCare?

ConnectorCare is a program of subsidized private health insurance plans for certain individuals with family income that does not exceed 300% of the federal poverty level (FPL) and who are not eligible for MassHealth, Medicare or other affordable health coverage. ConnectorCare includes a standardized set of benefits offered by private health maintenance organizations (HMOs), no deductibles, three levels of copays based on income, and sliding scale premiums as a percent of income. ConnectorCare “Plan Types” all cover the same services, but different Plan Types determine minimum premium contributions and copay levels based on income as a percentage of the federal poverty level as follows:

Plan Type 1 Plan Type 2A Plan Type 2B Plan Type 3A Plan Type 3B
0-100% >100-150% >150-200% >200-250% >250-300%