28. Summary: What Questions Does DUA Ask in Voluntary Quit Cases?

DUA typically asks the following questions to ascertain UI eligibility in voluntary quit cases. These questions are a small sample of questions posed to claimants in English-only questionnaires. A claimant must respond either through UI Online or by answering these questions in the mail. As these questions are often very confusing and the responses could determine initial UI eligibility, advocates should assist claimants in providing the most accurate and clear responses.

  1. Why did you leave your job?
  2. What were the events leading up to your leaving the job?
  3. What were the terms of your employment?
  4. What was your regular work?
  5. What could the employer have done to remedy any problems you had?
  6. What did you do to try and work out a solution before leaving? Do you have any proof of what you did?
  7. Did you talk to anyone at work about the problem?
  8. If you didn’t talk to anyone before leaving, why not?
  9. Did you have a union, and if so, did you exhaust the union grievance procedure?
  10. Did you know about the employer’s policies regarding leave of absence? 
  11. What did you tell the employer was the reason for your leaving your job?
  12. Did you have to leave your job because of union or retirement rules?