Sign-On Letter for EOHHS to Address "Stuck" Immigrants -Thursday 5 pm

Sign-on by Thursday May 27 at 5 pm
Dear Friends,
Attached is a sign-on letter for quick turnaround to ask EOHHS to add enhanced state-funded home & community based services for elderly & disabled non-citizens not yet eligible for federally-funded MassHealth Standard, but on the path to get there, to its spending plan under a section of the ARP Act. This possibility only became clear with CMS guidance released on May 13, which also directed states to submit initial spending plans by June 12. 
It would be at least one step toward solving the problems so powerfully described here. Hundreds Of Immigrants Who Need Long-Term Care Get Stuck In Hospitals Because Of MassHealth Limits,
 I am asking for sign-on by Thursday (May 27 at 5 pm). To sign-on for an organization,an authorized person just needs to email me with the  name of the organization. To sign on as an individual, please email with name & title or affiliation.
Thank you

Attachment Size
Draft_sign_on_HCBS-ARP_May_26(2).docx (26.18 KB) 26.18 KB