Updates from MassHealth and the Health Connector - 3/18/2014

See below for latest info forwarded from MassHealth & the Connector --
Temporary Coverage.
Most people applying for help paying for insurance have gotten temporary coverage (MassHealth Standard Fee for Service; They get notice but no card, Coverage is visible to providers in EVS but not in MAP) --84,000 as of 3-17-14. A small number--about 700--were getting Qualified Health Plans with Advance Premium Tax Credits/ConnectorCare (QHP-APTC). For now, the Connector will not be making QHP-APTC determinations--people will go into temporary coverage instead -- until the computer system is able to get people who are eligible for subsidized coverage  beyond just applying & into picking a plan. (It now has this capacity only for unsubsidized plans). People can still apply for subsidized coverage on-line & getting into temporary coverage will still go faster if people are able to complete an application on-line rather than by paper. 
FY 2015 Budget
It's also budget season --the MMPI-Mass Budget-MLRI summary of House 2 --the Governor's budget bill-- is posted here: https://bluecrossmafoundation.org/publication/governor%E2%80%99s-fy-2015-budget-proposal-masshealth-medicaid-and-health-reform-programs  
The next step will be release of House Ways & Means budget bill in April.
Erroneous Fax Number
Some time back MassHealth/Connector put out some info with an erroneous fax number --use of this number persists & MassHealth is asking everyone who faxes info to MassHealth/Connector to make sure they have rooted out the bad number.
THE CORRECT FAX NUMBER : 617-887-8770.
Incorrect number had 877 instead of 887.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: MAhealthconnectorUpdates (EHS) <MAhealthconnectorUpdates@massmail.state.ma.us>
Date: Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 11:52 PM
Subject: Updates from MassHealth and the Health Connector - 3/18/2014
To: "MAhealthconnectorUpdates (EHS)" <mahealthconnectorupdates@massmail.state.ma.us>


Description: Description: Description: In Today’s Update:


  Information for Advocates and Assisters regarding Premium Assistance for Health Connector Plans for MassHealth members with Autism

  Update to the MAhealthconnector.org website (HIX system)


Information for Advocates and Assisters regarding Premium Assistance for Health Connector Plans for MassHealth members with Autism

Please read and share the attached notice for important updated information regarding Premium Assistance for plans purchased inside and outside of  the Health Connector for MassHealth members with Autism.


Update to the MAhealthconnector.org website (HIX system)

Over the weekend, a technology release went into production on MAhealthconnector.org (HIX system).  This release contained fixes to resolve several known system defects. Part of this release also included closing the limited program determination functionality for Health Connector subsidized aid categories. Prior to this closure, a small group of subsidized applicants that met certain criteria were being determined eligible for Premium Tax Credits or wrap plans, but these individuals did not have a path forward to select and enroll in a health plan.

 To ensure a smooth transition into coverage, until full and complete program determination functionality is available, anyone that applies for subsidized coverage and receives a Health Connector aid category determination will be moved directly into temporary coverage. They will no longer see that they are eligible for Premium Tax Credits or wrap plans. This closed functionality does not affect MassHealth determinations.

The Health Connector and MassHealth

Attachment Size
MassHealth PA for Connector plans UPDATED 3-18-14 V3x.pdf (117.23 KB) 117.23 KB