Tomorrow's SNAP Coalition Agenda, SNAP 101 Training (1/29), Gov’s FY26 budget

We are looking forward to seeing folks tomorrow for our first 2025 Coalition Zoom meeting. And don’t forget the SNAP 101 Training on Wednesday, 9:30 to 12:30 (see below).

SNAP Coalition Meeting Agenda

Please join us tomorrow, January 28th from 10-11:30. Zoom link hereCongressman Jim McGovern is planning to join us at the start of the meeting, so please tune in right at 10! Agenda includes:

  • Federal updates, including hearing from MA Congressman McGovern
  • State legislative updates:the Governor's FY26 state budget, FY25 supplemental budget, Coalition member priority bills filed for the 2025/26 legislative session.
  • DTA updates/discussion: DTA access issues, DTAConnect accounts, thelock/unlock EBT card option, the recent SSA cost of living adjustment (COLA) and more.
  • Announcements

MLRI Analysis of Governor’s House 1 Budget

The Governor released her budget proposal for state fiscal year 2026 last Wednesday, known as House 1. Click here for MLRI’s preliminary analysis of selected sections for the FY23 budget - DTA benefits, health care, housing, child welfare and more. On the good news front, the Guv’s budget does include $170M in funding for universal school meals for MA kids, funded through the “millionaire’s tax.”

We are deeply disappointed that the Governor’s House 1 budget cuts core benefits and fails to fund key priorities. Her budget would cut TAFDC and EAEDC cash benefits to October 2022 levels. It fails to fund replacement of stolen SNAP benefits, implement chip/tap EBT cards or restore needed HIP funding. Nor does it provide sufficient funding to increase DTA staffing or IT resources to address DTA access issues and close the SNAP gap. But this is only the beginning of the annual state budget process. Please join Tuesday’s Coalition meeting for more discussion and action steps!

SNAP 101 Training - Wed, January 29th

Part of MLRI’s annual “Basic Benefits Training” series, our SNAP 101 session is January 29th from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. This is an in-person and live webcast. Sponsored by Mass Continuing Legal Education, the training includes an overview of the SNAP program, an update on federal and state SNAP changes, and an in-depth look at the nuts and bolts of SNAP eligibility, benefit amount, online tools, troubleshooting, and appeal rights. This training is designed for legal services advocates, food pantry and food bank staff, social services and health services workers, and community activists who want to learn about the basic SNAP rules and advocacy tips. To Register, go HERE. Be sure to click on either Legal Services or non-lawyer advocate to get the discount rate.