Public Benefits/Immigrants Webinar, EITC/CTC sign on letter, upcoming SNAP Coalition meetings!
Webinar: Public Benefits Eligibility for Immigrants - Nov 10th. 9-11AM
This two-hour free webinar, hosted by the City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Advancement, will discuss how immigration status affects eligibility for benefits for non-citizen immigrants and refugees including TAFDC and EAEDC cash assistance programs, SNAP and other nutrition programs, MassHealth and other subsidized health programs. It will include an overview of the "public charge" rule that describes which benefits could impact an individual's status in the United States.
Each presentation will be followed by a brief Q&A session. This training is being provided in partnership with the Massachusetts Law Reform Institute, Health Law Advocates, and the City of Boston Mayor's Office for Immigrant Advancement. Register by clicking HERE
FRAC Action Alert: EITC and CTC organizational sign-on letter - Deadline Nov 10th!
See the FRAC alert below calling for reinstatement of the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC)and Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Let’s have a strong showing from MA! Please sign on. The deadline is close of business, Thurs, November 10, 2022
Next SNAP Coalition meeting 12/6 and Special Meeting on ChildCare
First, the last 2022 SNAP Coalition meeting is Tuesday, December 6th from 10 - 11:30. This is designed to avoid the Thanksgiving and end of December holidays. There is NO Coalition meeting on 11/22.
Note there is a DIFFERENT Zoom Link for this 12/6 meeting- click here for the Zoom for 12/6. :
SNAP Coalition Meetings in 2023 - 4th Tuesdays (except August and Nov/Dec)
As you unwrap the plastic off your shiny 2023 calendars or peek at your virtual 2023 empty calendar, please note the 2023 SNAP Coalition meetings on the following dates. All Coalition meetings are from 10-11:30 AM.
January 24
February 28
March 28
April 25
May 23
June 27
July 25
September 26
October 24
December 5
ACTION NEEDED: Sign-On Letter from Anti-Hunger Groups
Calls for Reinstatement of Expanded Child Tax Credit
& Earned Income Tax Credit
Deadline: COB Thursday, November 10, 2022
Please join FRAC, Alliance to End Hunger, Share Our Strength, and other national, state, and community-based organizations working to end hunger in signing this letter (organizations only) urging Congress to reinstate the expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) and the expanded Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) in any end of the year tax package. Doing so presents a profound and historic opportunity to address hunger and improve the nutrition, health, and well-being of our nation.
It is essential that anti-hunger organizations signal the importance of extending the CTC and EITC without further delay if we are to mitigate hunger in the U.S. Failure to reinstate these critical policies will only fuel hunger by increasing the income, educational, health, and racial disparities that are pervasive in our country.
Please click HERE to add your organization to this letter. If you have any questions, contact Alexandra Ashbrook at