Ops Memo 2011-17: Spring 2011 SNAP Heat and Eat (H-EAT) Program Update


The Heat & Eat (H-EAT) Program is a partnership between DTA and the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for the purpose of identifying and enrolling eligible SNAP clients in the Low Income Heat and Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

On the evening of April 22, 2011, approximately 71,726 SNAP households were selected for 2011 H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program benefits.

  • Approximately 18,800 are newly eligible H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program households. These households are eligible for a 2011 $1.00 H-EAT benefit. In addition, for these households, the May 2011 SNAP benefits were recalculated using the Heating/Cooling Standard Utility Allowance (SUA) as anticipated recipients of the H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program.
  • Households who were selected for the 2011 H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program benefit, who received the April 2010 H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program benefit, are eligible for the $1.00 H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program benefit as well. However, there will be no increase in SNAP benefits because the Heating/Cooling SUA is already on file.

Purpose of Memo
This memo will review H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program criteria, explain the responsibilities of DTA and DHCD, preview notices to H-EAT clients, provide instructions for restoring lost SNAP benefits to certain H-EAT households and describe the DHCD client brochure.

There will be minimal case manager impact since the H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program enrollment and SNAP recalculation processes are fully automated.

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OM 2011-17.pdf (76.41 KB) 76.41 KB