OLGT 2023-01: SNAP: Manual SNAP Benefits Calculation


SNAP benefit amounts are based on a combination of variables, including (but not limited to) income, expenses, and household size. These variables are factored into a mathematical calculation, which determines the client’s monthly SNAP allotment. This calculation is automatically performed by BEACON.

To provide staff with a more detailed understanding of this process, the steps for calculating a household’s SNAP benefit amount are now detailed on a new Online Guide page.

Although BEACON automatically performs this calculation, SNAP staff are frequently asked by clients to explain the calculation in more detail. Additionally, by having a more a detailed understanding of how SNAP benefit amounts are determined, SNAP staff will have a greater ability to check whether BEACON is functioning properly if it derives a benefit amount that seems incorrect. Finally, there are times when it is necessary to perform a manual calculation to determine a related benefit amount for a past period, for which the variables no longer apply to the system’s What-If or proration calculations.

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