OLGT 2019-27: SNAP: Simplified Reporting - Elderly Disabled Simplified Application Project (EDSAP Reporting) Online Guide Updates


Simplified Reporting is a certification type that allows DTA to more efficiently administer SNAP and for clients to receive stable benefits. In December 2018, Simplified Reporting was expanded to include two new Simplified Reporting certification types: EDSAP Reporting and Simplified Reporting (Former EDSAP). EDSAP provides clients with a Simplified Reporting period of 36-months, limited reporting requirements, and the waiving of the Interim Report (IR) requirement. Simplified Reporting (Former EDSAP) allows households no longer eligible for EDSAP Reporting the opportunity to complete the EDSAP certification period with limited reporting requirements. In response to feedback received from field staff, updates to the Online Guide have been made.

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OLGT 2019-27 EDSAP updates.pdf (207.51 KB) 207.51 KB