OLGT 2019-23: Cross Program: New Interim Report and Recertification Paper Forms


Most SNAP clients with simplified reporting requirements must complete an Interim Report at a check-in point during their certification period. All SNAP clients, regardless of reporting type, must complete the Recertification process at the end of their certification period. 
The Department is committed to making the Interim Report and Recertification forms easy and intuitive for clients and staff. After collaboration with field and Central office staff, clients, external stakeholders, and partners in other states, the Department is deploying new Interim Report and Recertification forms. The anticipated start date for these forms is April 16, 2019. 
SNAP clients are required to inform the Department and provide verification of certain elements at predetermined timeframes, dependent upon the household’s reporting requirements and certification type. Effective with these form updates, clients will only be asked to report and provide verification of changes that are mandated by the United States Department of Agriculture-Food and Nutrition Services (USDA-FNS).

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OLGT 2019-23 revised IR, recert forms.pdf (220.64 KB) 220.64 KB