More vaccine distribution news


Feb 15, 2021 Health Update on Vaccine Distribution


Today’s front page Globe story highlights the problems with the vaccine rollout plan for people with disabilities who can’t get to vaccine clinics. (Yes that is our esteemed friend & colleague Dennis Heaphy on the front page!). It follows on a related story last Friday on the narrow definition of medical conditions that will qualify people under 65 for the vaccine in the next phase of the roll out.  Tuesday on Feb 16, 2021, disability advocates will be hosting a forum on vaccine distribution at which the Secretary is expected to attend. 

‘There are a lot of people who can’t get to Fenway or Gillette’: Some residents feel overlooked in vaccine rollout

Thousands who can’t easily leave home struggle to get their shots

By Kay Lazar Globe Staff, Updated February 14, 2021, 4:33 p.m.

They have disabilities and serious medical conditions. But under state guidelines, they don’t qualify for early vaccination

By Deanna Pan Globe Staff, Updated February 12, 2021, 11:40 a.m.


Feb 16, 2020 Disability Advocates Forum on Vaccine Distribution 

Disability Advocates Advancing our Healthcare Rights (DAAHR) is hosting a forum on Tuesday, February 16 at 1:00 pm for persons with disabilities to share concerns regarding access to vaccines for Covid-19.  We also welcome any positive feedback and best practices on getting a vaccine. Information will be shared with state officials, who also are being invited. Sec Sudders confirmed she will attend.
You can register for this forum here: