Monday, April 9: DTA change to SNAP Online Application and DTA Connect client portal!

NEW DTA SNAP Online Application of of Monday, 4/9!
Starting on MONDAY, DTA will have a new online SNAP application and some new ways for clients and advocates to learn information about a DTA benefits case. 
DTA's new website,, will go live over the weekend and should be used starting on Monday, 4/9 for online SNAP applications. The current Virtual Gateway SNAP online application will be eliminated. As always, clients have a right to apply online, in person, or by faxing or mailing in a paper application. 
This website will include:
  • an updated, simplified, and interactive online SNAP application. In addition to using the online application on a desktop computer, the application will be smart phone and tablet friendly and can be completed on a smart phone or tablet by going to!
  • a client portal to access case information: This portal will include case information going back further than the 3 months shown in the DTA Connect mobile app
  • a provider portal for SNAP outreach providers 
We are very excited about this! MLRI and other community partners were involved in the development of this online application, and hope the new online application will be much more simple and clear then the Virtual Gateway application. will not be live until after the weekend! Attached is more information from DTA. We will follow up with more information next week, but wanted to make sure the Coalition was aware of this exciting change. Let us know if you have issues or questions. 
Attachment Size
Online Guide Transmittal 2018-24.pdf (80.09 KB) 80.09 KB