MLRI is Hiring

The Massachusetts Law Reform Institute now has more resources available to devote to addressing health access issues for returning citizens and other criminal-justice involved individuals. We are hiring for someone to lead this project and hope you can help spread the word to your networks.

MLRI is  one of 24 organizations awarded a 5-year grant from the Massachusetts Community Health and Healthy Aging Funds (MCHHA) to address the root causes of health inequities; disrupt and remove barriers to health; and advance racial and health equity by tackling institutional and structural racism. MLRI's  project will focus on access to MassHealth (and other benefits that determine health) for returning citizens/criminal justice-involved (CJI) individuals.


The job description and information about where to apply is attached & also posted here

Being a lawyer is not one of the job requirements. 


Thanks for anything you can do to let your networks and any likely candidates know about this position
PS MLRI is also hiring for a Website Project Manager posted on our website
Attachment Size
MLRI_Health_Justice_Advocate_CJI_Project_-_FINAL2.pdf (226.2 KB) 226.2 KB