Know Your Rights PSAs in Maya Mam

National Day Laborer Organizing Network & International Mayan League/USA

Dear friends and allies,

In preparation for ICE raids, as a community we have developed a set of Know Your Rights PSAs in Maya Mam to address the critical language barrier faced by many Maya families in the United States. The first set of SIX AUDIO CLIPS can be found on our website and on our soundcloud account. Please share these critical PSAs widely! Indigenous peoples in the immigrant community are often the least likely to have services available to them in our indigenous languages. Our families often do not speak Spanish much less English, and they have the right to be informed of their constitutional rights; and we have the responsibility of ensuring that all our families have these critical resources easily accessible to them.  Many organizations have reached out to us asking for indigenous language resources - thank you for understanding that this is a gap, and we look forward to working with you to better address this critical need! 

We are working to produce additional audio clips in Maya K’iche’ and Maya Ixil- coming soon! All of this work is being developed with the cultural and linguistic expertise of our community and technical support from our volunteer team and amazing interns. 

*Original translation and interpretation in Maya Mam by the International Maya League. Content provided by the National Day Laborer Organizing Network NDLON. Recording and Editing by International Mayan League/USA

The Mayan League is a grassroots indigenous women led Maya organization, we are all volunteers, and are community oriented.  All of this work is possible because of the commitment of our community and individual donations- thank you! We appreciate your continued support to help us develop these critical Know Your Rights PSAs in indigenous languages!