Immigrants & Public Benefits Training May 6; Webinar on New Broadband benefit May 5 & Elder BBT May 12

There are three webinars coming up soon:  Next week on May 6 our rescheduled annual Immigrants and Public Benefits training, and on May 5 a forum on the soon to be available federal discount program for broadband services, and the following week on May 12 our annual Elder Benefits training. I hope you can join us for one or more of these.
May 6
MLRI's annual Basic Benefits Training on Immigrants & Public Benefits is (re) scheduled for May 6, 2021. 
Registration is through MCLE at this link 

This all-day training offers the nuts-and-bolts on how immigration status affects eligibility for public benefits. The trainers include both immigration and public benefits legal experts. This timely training will focus on the March 2021 Biden Administration's action rescinding the Trump Administration's harmful "public charge" rules that have adversely impacted thousands of immigrants in Massachusetts and the nation.  

In the morning, you will get an overview of how immigrants obtain legal status, how to read immigration documents in order to understand their legal status, and the recent Biden Administration change in public charge rules. You will also learn from health law experts about MassHealth and other subsidized health care programs available to immigrants and about available COVID-19 testing, treatment and vaccines. In the afternoon, you will hear from benefits experts about other public benefits potentially available to low-income legal immigrants including: state and federal subsidized housing programs, emergency shelter, cash assistance (TAFDC and EAEDC) and the federal nutrition SNAP programs. The afternoon will also include a plenary session highlighting immigrant eligibility for unemployment, EITC, the American Rescue Plan Child Tax Credits, Economic Stimulus payments, Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) and school meals.


May 5 , 2021

MLRI is happy to host a forum on the newly created internet discount program, Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB).  EBB is a Federal Communication Commission (FCC) program designed to improve internet connectivity during COVID-19 by providing a $50 monthly discount on broadband services and a one time $100 discount for a device to eligible households.  
Please join us to learn more about EBB, who's eligible, and how to apply. We will also be discussing how we can work collaboratively to close the digital divide.   
Wednesday, May 5th 
3:00 - 4:30pm
To register, please click here.
Attached is a flyer about EBB in English and Spanish that you can share with your networks and clients.  
For more information about the forum, please contact Jamie SabinoAparna Raghu, or Virginia Benzan.
May 12 
Elder BBT
Our Basic Benefits Training on Elder Benefits will be presented via live webcast  Wednesday on May 12, 2021. This program is designed to provide legal services advocates, lawyers, paralegals, social and health services workers, and community activists with an overview and basic knowledge of public benefits available to elders. Please click here and select the "Elder Benefits Programs" for more information and to register. 
Attachment Size
image_33.png (3.02 KB) 3.02 KB
EMERGENCY_BROADBAND_BENEFIT_4.26.21_Spanish.pdf (81.41 KB) 81.41 KB
EMERGENCY_BROADBAND_BENEFIT_4.26.21_Flyer.pdf (80.36 KB) 80.36 KB