Hotline 9/13: Out-of-State EBT Card Usage


From the Hotline
If you have any questions on this column or other policy and procedural material, please have your Hotline
designee call the Policy Hotline at 617-348-8478.

Q. 1. My TAFDC and SNAP client’s name appears on the Out-of-State EBT Card Usage view. Do I take
action on BEACON to close this case?
A. 1. No. Your TAFDC and SNAP client’s name appears on the Match History tab because Central Office
has been monitoring his out-of-state EBT usage. When an EBT transaction occurs exclusively out of
state, BEACON will indicate if the transaction occurred In Region (Vermont, Rhode Island, New
Hampshire, Connecticut, Maine, New York), or Out of Region (all remaining states). Before any
actual automated closing can occur, Central Office sends a Residency Verification notice to SNAPonly
clients. A standard EBC closing notice for ‘No longer MA resident’ would later be issued on any
automated TAFDC or SNAP closing.

Note: TAFDC and EAEDC clients may be absent for up to 60 days for certain pre-approved reasons.
Remember to enter any verified and approved reason on the Temporary Absence page. If a valid,
current reason has been verified and entered into BEACON, the centralized case closing will not
occur. For more information on acceptable temporary absences from the Commonwealth, refer to
106 CMR 203.660. For more details on the Out-of-State EBT Card Usage match and FIDM activities related to out-of state EBT usage, refer to Operations Memo 2013-34.

Q. 2. My TAFDC and SNAP client’s name appears on the Match History tab for out-of-state EBT card
usage. What action should I be taking, if any?
A. 2. It depends on the circumstances.

  • If the client provides verification of residency to the TAO timely, disposition the Out-of-State EBT Card Usage match and annotate the Narrative tab to prevent a case closing.
  • If the client provides verification of residency to the TAO after an automated case closing has been initiated, disposition the match and if still pending to release, remember to remove the closing. If the closing has already released, process the case according to existing procedures.
  • If the client does not verify residency in Massachusetts, an automated closing will occur.

Reminder: Verification of residency in Massachusetts should not be limited to any one specific type of document. Refer to Operations Memo 2010-55, 106 CMR 361.640(A) and 106 CMR 702.340 for more details.

Q. 3. My TAFDC and SNAP client’s name appeared on the Match History tab for out-of-state EBT card
usage. Today, this same client brought in a copy of his child’s school enrollment. He provided this
verification of Massachusetts residency 31 days after the TAFDC and SNAP closings. Can I reinstate
this case on BEACON?
A. 3. No, since the Massachusetts residency was verified 31 days after the closing, the TAFDC and SNAP
benefits cannot be reinstated. This client must reapply for both programs and the benefits must be
determined based on the reapplication date. For more information, refer to 106 CMR 702.150 in the TAFDC Program, and 106 CMR 364.650 in SNAP.

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