FYI: Processing Nonrecurring Medical Expenses


Food Stamp regulations allow a client to choose to average nonrecurring medical expenses over the certification period or have the nonrecurring medical expenses applied as a deduction for a single month. For the client to make an informed decision, the AU Manager must understand the implications of both options and be prepared to explain the effect each option has on the food stamp benefit.

There are instances when the averaging of nonrecurring medical expenses is not advantageous to the client. For example, a nonrecurring medical expense of $360, averaged over a twelve-month certification period, allows the client $30 per month in medical expenses. Since food stamp regulations only allow medical expenses in excess of $35 per month, the AU would not receive a medical deduction. In contrast, if the $360 nonrecurring medical expense had been applied to a single month, the medical deduction would have yielded an increase in food stamp benefits, provided the AU was not already receiving the maximum monthly benefit allotment.

If the nonrecurring medical expense is reported during the certification period, the AU Manager may average the expenses over the remainder of the certification period or may allow the expense as a one-time deduction, based on the client's preference. For more details on nonre- curring medical expenses, see 106 CMR 364.440(C) and (D).

Remember: Whenever a nonrecurring medical expense is allowed as a one-time deduction, the AU Manager must zero out the medical expense after that particular month's FS benefits have been issued.

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