FYI October 2013: RSDI, SSI and SSP Information on BEACON; and Settlements and Awards as Unearned Income on BEACON



Entering RSDI, SSI and SSP Information on the Other Income Page of BEACON
Quality Control identified an error related to the inclusion of unearned income information on BEACON.
This FYI is a reminder about how to process this information.
When entering or updating a household member’s information regarding Social Security Administration
(SSA) Retirement, Survivors and Disability Insurance (RSDI), Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or State
Supplemental Payment (SSP), case managers must always look for and use the information provided on the
History Tab of the Other Income Page in BEACON or, in the case of SSP, the SSI Tracking Page. Central
Office MIS runs a monthly RSDI batch and a daily SSI and SSP batch on all active, pending, closed and
ineligible household members to validate the information displayed in BEACON.
It is important to ensure that the RSDI, SSI and SSP information is correct, particularly the RSDI claim
number. Otherwise, the RSDI, SSI or SSP income may be doubled when the respective batches are run. If the
case manager cannot find the information on the History Tab of the Other Income Page or on the SSI
Tracking Page, it can be found on the SSA award letter or on either the SSA Beneficiary Exchange (BENDEX)
and/or State Data Exchange (SDX) screens accessed through the Financial Management Control System

Settlements and Awards
Settlements and Awards has been added to BEACON as an unearned income type for TAFDC, EAEDC and
SNAP. Most settlements and awards are received as a lump sum. When this happens the settlement or
award should be treated as a lump sum payment for all three programs.
In the Income Q & A Navigator clients will be asked if they have received settlements or awards. Settlements
and Awards will also appear as an income type in the Other Income Status page Source tab. Click on the
popup next to the Type field to select Settlements and Awards from the list of income types.

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