Field Ops Memo 2008-24: Spring 2008 Food Stamp Heat and Eat (H-EAT) Program Update


In 2007, approximately 54,000 FS households received increased food stamp benefits and a $1.00 fuel assistance benefit as a result of the H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program. On April 24, 2008, approximately 46,000 FS households were selected for 2008 H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program benefits. Approximately 16,000 are newly eligible H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program households. For these households, May 2008 FS benefits will be recalculated using the Heating/Cooling SUA as anticipated recipients of the H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program.

DHCD will enroll all households in the 2008 H-EAT Fuel Assistance Program and make $1.00 H-EAT fuel assistance benefits available.

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