DTA's My Account Page (MAP) not working properly, temporarily shut down; Client Recertification and Interim Reporting Forms not available via the MAP

We have just received word from staff at The Open Door in Gloucester that the My Account Page (MAP) has been seriously malfunctioning. Some of the days last week and this past week, the MAP apparently listed notices and forms sent to SNAP households, but when you downloaded the document it was a BLANK template with NO no client information. The Open Door reported this to DTA Central who alerted this to the Virtual Gateway.  As a result of these problems, DTA has now shut down the MAP and is working on a fix. This means that clients and their advocates cannot sign onto the MAP at all, which means it is not possible to see any client notices, forms or get the status of the case.
1. Contact the DTA IVR or DTA Assistance Line to check on the case:  If you have clients who report they did not receive anything from DTA in the mail (a recertification form or interim report form) and their benefits terminated, contact the DTA Interactive Voice Response to see if you can get information on the status of the case or call the DTA Assistance Line right away (press 1, 1, 1  to get to a "live" DTA worker). You should ask the DTA worker if the client was in fact mailed a paper form or notice, and the exact date of that. (We are also worried that perhaps nothing came in the mail if the MAP problem is related to a bigger BEACON problem - PLEASE let us know if clients are not getting their forms mailed at all or getting delayed mailings).
2. Contact DTA Assistance Line for "E-Notification" clients:  If your client happened to sign up for "e-notification" of their DTA notices, call the DTA Assistance Line immediately. E-notification is one of the options the former administration promoted to save paper and enable clients to get "quick notice" of changes, but the e-notification option is difficult to use for most clients, does not work for mobile devices, and operates on the premise that clients view all notices through the MAP (notices are not attached to e-notification alerts). If the MAP is malfunctioning, this process does not work. You may need to insist DTA immediately mail out any pending notices as well as ask for extensions if any deadlines were missed. For more background on DTA's "e-notification" pilot, go HERE.  
3. Send in a paper SNAP Recertification Form if under a short deadline: If your client needs to submit a SNAP recertification form in the next few days, they can fill out and sign a blank paper form and and fax it in with current verifications. The recertification does NOT need to be on a specific DTA form!  Attached is a sample old recertification form you can use (whether or not your client is on simplified or "semi-annual reporting"). We realize it is not the "pre--populated" recert form that DTA typically sends in the mail, but it should still be accepted by DTA as a recert as long as it is signed and dated. Try to give as much updated information as possible. While DTA may offer to mail a prepopulated SNAP recert form to the client, the back and forth mailing could cause delays in getting the recert filed timely (and risk losing retroactive benefits). Best if you can add a quick note to the fax cover sheet re why you are using this form. 
Alternatively, the client could fill out a new paper SNAP application form - but be sure to cross out "Application" and clearly write on the top "RECERTIFICATION" -  so that the Document Management Center knows it is being sent in as a recertification for SNAP. Here's the link to DTA's SNAP application forms in multiple languages: https://www.mass.gov/snap-benefits-food-stamps  We recommend doing a paper form over "reapplying" through the Virtual Gateway, as those applications are independently getting lost and could cause more confusion if not properly identified. 
Big thanks to The Open Door for flagging this issue. 
Attachment Size
DTA SNAP Recertification Form for Semi-Annual 2003.pdf (1.45 MB) 1.45 MB