DTA updates, state supp action today, national week of action

DTA updates - interviews, June supp, P-EBT 
Application interviews: FNS did not accept DTA's request to extend the waiver of the SNAP application interview for households who have provided all mandatory proofs. All SNAP applicants will be required to have a phone interview starting July 1. 
June SNAP supplement: Supplemental payments for those not already getting the maximum SNAP grant for their household size are likely to go out July 2. We do not know yet if DTA will get permission from FNS to issue supplemental payments for July. 
P-EBT issuance #2 today: The second P-EBT payment is going out today to children with a P-EBT card ($199.50). Please let families who have P-EBT cards know - DTA/DESE do not not have phone numbers for these families & widespread outreach is needed! This issuance is only for those with P-EBT cards, not those who got P-EBT on their regular DTA EBT card. If P-EBT families didn't save their child's P-EBT card, they will need to call DTA at 877 382 2363 (press #6) to request a replacement P-EBT card. 
Calls, emails, tweets needed TODAY re. Supplemental budget:  
Lift Our Kids: Call/email/tweet at your House representative asking them to show support for amendment #7 by speaking to House Leadership TODAY. Amendment #7 would get out a one-time cash benefit payment for 33K TAFDC families and 21K EAEDC (elder or disabled) recipients. A fact sheet is available here. 
HIP: The Mass Food Systems Collaborative is urging advocates to support Representative Hannah Kane's amendment #41 to the FY20 House Supp Budget, H.4802. This amendment will allow funds currently in the HIP account to be used through June 30, 2021. Without this action, nearly$2 million in the HIP account would return to the General Fund rather than being spent on the program. Please ask your legislators to show support for this amendment by speaking to House Leadership TODAY - before today's vote!    
US Senate must act to boost SNAP - Anti-Hunger Week of Action 
Join anti-hunger organizations across the country for the June 22–26 “Anti-Hunger Week of Action” to elevate SNAP and nutrition priority asks prior to the Senate’s July 4 recess (July 3–19). Please thank our MA Senators, Sen. Warren and Sen. Markey, for their steadfast support of SNAP - and reach out to family & friends to urge Senators before they adjourn for the summer (August) recess to pass a COVID-19 relief package that 1) boosts the SNAP maximum benefit by 15 percent; 2) increases the minimum monthly SNAP benefit from $16 to $30; and 3) suspends SNAP time limits or administrative rule changes that would cut benefits. 
The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities posted a blog on the unprecedented increase in food prices, reinforcing the immense need for families across the country. Click here 
Encourage your networks to get out information on the #2020Census
For resources and links, see this email from the City of Boston with simple materials on the 2020 Census. We also wanted to share this powerful Boston Globe story from a few weeks ago sharing the significant impact the undercounting in Chelsea in the 2010 Census had on municipal and city funding - hampering the city's ability to respond to COVID-19. 
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