DMR Eligibility Decision by H.O. Hudgins 1 6 04


Keyword: intellectual function, adaptive skills, IQ increase, subtest scatter

Hearing Officer: Marcia A. Hudgins

Counsel present for Appellant: No

Counsel present for DMR: Kim LaDue

Appellant present: Yes

Hearing Officer Decision on January 6, 2004

One evaluation of the appellant's intellectual functioning prior to age 18 was entered into evidence. The appellant obtained a verbal IQ of 73, performance IQ of 76, and full scale IQ of 72. The DMR expert stated that the score of 72 indicated significant improvement compared to the previous scores. He also pointed out that the subtest scatter indicated that the appellant had some strengths that would not be consistent with a diagnosis of mental retardation.

The hearing officer found that the appellant had significantly sub-average intellectual functioning in that she had IQ score of 72 and related limitations in at least two adaptive skill areas had become manifest before age 18.


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