Coalition tomorrow, SNAP caseload data/chart, overview American Rescue Plan

SNAP Coalition - tomorrow, Tuesday 3/9 from 10-11:30 AM 
DTA's SNAP Employment and Training team will share information about training programs and opportunities for SNAP recipients via the SNAP Path to Work program. We will also have brief updates on the American Rescue Plan and information from DTA on P-EBT for kids 0-5 in SNAP households!
The American Rescue Plan - status and more info
The House needs to vote on the American Rescue Plan (after the Senate made some changes) before it goes to President Biden to sign into law. The House is expected to pass the bill this week. For a succinct overview of key elements of the package, you can see the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities' tweet thread here.  This package includes some critical federal nutrition pieces - including extending the 15% boost to SNAP until September 2021, expanding P-EBT to cover the summer months, and providing needed administrative dollars for state SNAP agencies like DTA. Please thank our delegation for their work to ensure this package included these critical elements!!
MLRI chart on SNAP caseload increase during COVID-19 - 25% increase since March 1, 2020 
As of early March, the number of MA households receiving SNAP has increased to about 547,000 households. This is a 25% increase since the start of the pandemic. As with much of the data in the past year, this is staggering but not surprising. Attached is a graph showing this increase since the pandemic began - please feel free to share this image on social media or with your networks. You can also track the increase in your communities by comparing city/town data in the reports DTA posts here.