Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP)

Department of Children and Families

Child and Family Services Plan (CFSP)

The CFSP is a five-year strategic plan that sets forth the vision and the goals to be accomplished to strengthen the states' overall child welfare system. It is reported by states in order to receive federal funding under Title IV-B. 

The goals and objectives of the CFSP must address improved outcomes in the following areas: Permanency for children Well-being of children and their families The nature, scope, and adequacy of existing child and family and related social services States or tribes must base the development of each subsequent 5-year CFSP on a final review of the accomplishments and identified needs from the previous CFSP, including any new information (45 CFR 1357.16(f)).

The most recent publicly available CFSP for Massachusetts addresses the period from 2010 - 2014. 

2010 - 2014