AARP MA eblast on US Census jobs; FAQ on Census earnings and benefits; Upcoming briefing for MA Legislators

Does the US Census count matter for Massachusetts?  Absolutely!  Everything from how many Congressional Districts we have to the allocation of certain federal means-tested dollars to the state and more.  Thanks to our friends at AARP Massachusetts (why reinvent the wheel?), we are sending on their recent eblast re temporary US Census jobs and volunteer opportunities.
Does US Census income count for SNAP, Fuel Assistance, Fed/State Housing or DTA Cash benefits?  NO!  See MLRI and Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights infographic attached, How Does Working for the Census Affect my Benefits?. Other programs, it depends. (Note, this infographic is for Massachusetts resident only, each state may handle it differently). 
Is Massachusetts gearing up to do a robust US Census?  Yes!   See upcoming 2/26/20 briefing hosted by Mass Voter Table, designed for Legislators and their aides. Please urge your Member to attend!  For more information and to get involved in the Census, voter education and voter registration efforts in MA, contact Mass Voter Table at   When you do social media, please use this hashtag:  #MassCounts.
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From: AARP Massachusetts <>
Date: Mon, Feb 10, 2020 at 7:01 AM
Subject: U.S. Census Bureau Needs Your Help
To: <>
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Dear Patricia,

By working for the Census Bureau, you can help them reach their goal to ensure everyone is counted. Census counts have a huge impact on our communities. The 2020 Census data will be used to determine how more than $675 billion from more than 100 federally-funded programs are distributed to states and localities, including communities like ours. The data influence choices made about which roads are fixed, where schools are built and businesses opened, what medical services are offered, and more.
Census Taker
Getty Images
Census Jobs

All 2020 Census jobs are temporary. The largest number of positions available are for census takers. Pay rates vary by area.

If you’re interested, please visit the Census Bureau job site to apply. You’ll also be able to see descriptions and frequently asked questions. 


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