2006 SSI Payment Levels and SSI/SSDI Thresholds


Tables with 2006 SSI payment levels in Massachusetts reflecting 4.1% cost of living adjustment. Payment levels are grouped by living arrangement and indicate federal benefit rate and state supplement. Separate chart with 2006 threshold amounts, including substantial gainful activity (SGA), trial work period, quarters of coverage, SSI student earned income exclusion, and SSI child allocation for deeming. Prepared by the Disability Law Center, November 2005.  In English and Spanish.

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2006_chart___thresholds.pdf (17.97 KB) 17.97 KB
2006_chart___thresholds.wpd (39.97 KB) 39.97 KB
SS42a_SP_2006_SSI-DI_Thresholds.pdf (10.04 KB) 10.04 KB
SS42_SP_2006_SSI_Payment_Chart_SPANISH.pdf (15.66 KB) 15.66 KB