Upcoming Coalition Meeting June 27th; Common App Update, Latino Empowerment Council Meetings & Info on Benefits for Haitian Families

This is just a quick reminder that our next Coalition meeting is Tuesday June 27th from 10 to 11:30 AM. HERE is the Zoom link.  https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89331685051?pwd=WjJMMUZKVWtTWUdERmp6WjQvRXFIZz09 


The Coalition AGENDA includes:

  • Federal update on Farm Bill deliberations, engaging MA Delegation Members on speaking out. (Check out Kathleen Merrigan’s very helpful description of the Farm Bill process)

  • Update on the Debt Ceiling package and expanded work reporting requirements in SNAP for ABAWDs 

  • DTA updates on state SNAP and P-EBT issues

  • State FY24 budget and legislative campaign updates

  • Common App update (see below!!!)

  • DTA’s HIP finder interactive map (this is awesome!)l 

  • Brief reminder re benefit eligibility for immigrant households (see fliers below for Haitian families) 

  • Announcements from members


Note: There is NO Coalition meeting the 4th Tuesdays of July or August. Per tradition, we will have a July/August combo meeting on August 1st and then back to the 4th Tuesday in September. 

Governor’s Advisory Council on Latino Empowerment - upcoming listening sessions::

On April 5th Governor Healey established a Governor's Advisory Council on Latino Empowerment. The Council has been hosting listening sessions around the state and there are two more in June and July, before they make recommendations to Governor Healey. This is an opportunity for Coalition members to lift up issues of importance to the Latinx community including the Lift Our Kids Campaign, Feeding Our Neighbors Campaign, Language Access Campaign, Hunger Free Campus Campaign and the Feed Kids Campaign. 


The Council has three listening sessions from 6 to 8:30 PM on the following dates:

  • Tuesday, June 27th in Brockton at Massasoit Community College

  • Thursday, June 29th in Framingham at the Brazilian American Center

  • Tuesday, July 11th in Boston at L'Alianza Hispana

We encourage you to attend one of these listening sessions in person and/or send testimony to the Council members urging them to include in their recommendations to the Governor addressing the basic needs of low income Latinx residents of the Commonwealth. See list of members HERE.  


Basic Cash and SNAP for for Haitian families and individuals:

MLRI and GBLS did a recent training on benefits for Haitian families.Most Haitians are eligible for federal benefits as “Cuban/Haitian Entrants”. (Unfortunately, this is not always the case for other legally present immigrants with similar immigration statuses - please reach to MLRI or your local Legal Services if you have questions about which immigrants are eligible for key benefits.). 

Here’s the YouTube recording of that training and below are fliers in English and Haitian Creole.  

And if you want more resources, here’s:

Governor Healey Announces Funding for the Common Application in Capital Improvement Plan!

While this has taken a long time as the state transitioned between two Administrations, we were thrilled to see that Governor Healey included $40M ($28 of which is federal) in yesterday’s Capital Improvement five year plan. Here’s MLRI and NASW’s joint press statement applauding the Administration. . 


Boomerang! Jeff McCue Rejoins DTA as Commissioner 

ICYMI, Commish McCue is returning to the throne in mid July to take over from Acting Commish Mary Sheehan. See EOHHS announcement. Welcome back Commissioner!