Ops Memo 2012-12: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) - Update


In an effort to improve the nutritional status of working families and to increase the amount of services available to them, the Department developed the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNA) program. SNA is a work incentive benefit provided to families in receipt of SNAP-only benefits who meet SNA program requirements. A benefit will be issued in addition to the regular SNAP benefits for each month the family meets the eligibility criteria of the SNA program, or until the SNA program is terminated (see 106 CMR 705.250). This benefit is changing due to lack of available funding.

Effective February 2012, approximately 12,000 households will begin receiving the changed SNA benefit. BEACON will automatically issue SNA benefits for each month the household is actively receiving SNAP-only benefits and meets SNA program requirements.

This Operations Memo obsoletes Operations Memo 2011-47.

This memo describes:
*  the eligibility criteria for the SNA benefit; and
*  how to respond to questions about the program.

Note: The SNA process is completely automated in BEACON and will require no case manager action other than answering client inquiries about the program or replacing lost or inactive Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards.

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