Operations Bulletin 2016-04 - Cross Program: Noncitizens Who Qualify as Cuban/Haitian Entrants


“Cuban/Haitian Entrants” are a category of noncitizens eligible for TAFDC, EAEDC and SNAP. To qualify as a Cuban/Haitian Entrant, an individual must be a Cuban or Haitian national and meet other specific conditions, as outlined in the Online Guide.

Many Cuban and Haitian nationals who apply for benefits at DTA were paroled into the United States (U.S.) or are applying for asylum. For the most part, these noncitizens will verify Cuban/Haitian Entrant status by providing an I-94 with citation 212.5(d), 212.5(b)5 or through documentation showing a pending asylum application.

For a more comprehensive list of eligibility requirements and verifications for Cuban/Haitian Entrants, see the Online Guide, SNAP/ Eligibility Requirements/ Noncitizens/Eligible Qualified Noncitizens. 

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