Field Ops Memo 2010-50: Confidentiality of Case Record Information and the BEACON Heightened Level of Security Indicator


Overview All DTA staff must ensure that information about the applicant and/or client (hereafter referred to as client) is never disclosed without his or her written permission. However, in cases where there are heightened levels of concern, clients may wish to consider the heightened level of security option.

Case managers must discuss the availability of the Heightened Level of Security (HLS) indicator in BEACON when a client discloses concerns about confidentiality of information due to domestic violence or for any other reason. It is the responsibility of the case manager to accommodate a client's request to use the HLS indicator in BEACON immediately if that is the client's decision.

Purpose of Memo
This Operations Memo will:

  • identify a new process for assigning the HLS indicator to a case;
  • introduce a new form, the HLS-l(Attachment A);
  • provide instructions for when and how to activate the HLS indicator;
  • remind all DTA staff to ensure client confidentiality; and
  • emphasize the impact of the HLS indicator to the client.

Obsolete Memo
This Operations Memo obsoletes Field Operations Memo 2008-23.

Attachment Size
OM 2010-50.pdf (3.05 MB) 3.05 MB