PPER Email 2014-09: Preliminary Changes to Heat and Eat


The Farm Bill of 2014 requires States participating in the Heat and Eat (H-EAT) Program to increase the amount of fuel assistance benefits provided to eligible SNAP households to greater than $20 effective March 10, 2014. This ended the existing H-EAT Program.

On the evening of March 7, 2014, DTA/MIS ran a batch job that provided 13,602 eligible households H-EAT benefits under the existing program ($1 H-EAT benefit). SNAP benefits for these households were calculated with the Heating/Cooling SUA on March 12, 2014 to impact April’s benefits. A narrative was added to BEACON, and an EBC notice was sent to households who had a change in benefits.

In April, there will be no SNAP households selected for a H-EAT run. SNAP households that already participate in H-EAT will continue to receive the Heating/Cooling SUA. Additional information about the H-EAT Program will be provided in the near future.

Link to a press release is in the attached PPER.

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