Ops Memo 2014-36: Program Integrity (PI) Checklist BEACON Integration – Phase 2, and Other Enhancements to Processing External Agency Matches


Operations Memo 2014-23: Program Integrity Checklist Overview introduced the Program Integrity (PI) Checklist project, and Operations Memos 2014-21: New York State Match along with 2014- 24: Enhancements to External Agency Match Processing introduced initial systems changes in support of the PI Checklist. This memo introduces additional systems changes as Phase 2 of the PI Checklist integration.

Through its consolidation of data matches into a central point in BEACON, the PI Checklist will reinforce the Department’s current policies and procedures which are designed to ensure that only eligible individuals receive benefits and that the benefit amounts issued are accurate. The PI checklist will integrate, and in some instances, automate the processing of external agency matches into daily casework activities. The PI Checklist will ensure that matches are addressed and dispositioned timely by TAO staff or the Fraud Investigation Data Match (FIDM) Unit, reducing overpayments to clients and enhancing program integrity.

Phase 2 includes:

  • new Hard Edits displayed on the Interview Wrapup Authorization page to prevent action when the PI Checklist has matches that have not been dispositioned;
  • new Warning Edits displayed on the ECF/Workflow tab, and on the Household, AU Composition Results and Interview Wrapup pages when the PI Checklist has pending items;
  • new “PI Checklist…” buttons on the Workflow tab and Interview Wrapup to access PI Checklist details in addition to the previously implemented Client Search PI Checklist icon;
  • matches integrated onto the PI Checklist;
  • access to Department of Revenue (DOR) Child Support, DOR New Hire, DOR Wage, PARIS Veterans, Lottery, Division of Unemployment Assistance (DUA), and DOR Bank Match data from the Interview Q and A Navigators and associated workflow pages; and
  • automated processing for the Department of Children and Families (DCF) Placement Match and upcoming batch for DOR Child Support.

Purpose of Memo
This Operations Memo:

  • details BEACON user access to the PI Checklist;
  • describes the layout, readability and functionality of the PI Checklist;
  • identifies the external agency matches on the PI Checklist in Phase 2;
  • describes the new External Agency Data Container pages functionality;
  • describes a Household page popup alert for household match data;
  • informs staff about the largely automated batch job for processing and dispositioning the DCF Placement Match and upcoming batch job for DOR Child Support; and
  • details the SNAP-specific match processes required for each SNAP certification type and the process for when matches occur during the SNAP application process.
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OM 2014-36.pdf (129.11 KB) 129.11 KB