OLGT 2023-41: Cross Programs: DTA Guidelines for Procedural Mailbox Engagement


The Procedural Mailbox is a resource for resolving policy and procedural issues that staff may encounter. Policy staff assigned to the Procedural Mailbox review inquiries and provide responses to questions submitted by Authorized Mailbox Users. The Procedural Mailbox is a valuable tool when:

  • clarification is needed on existing guidance;
  • staff encounter clients with unique case circumstances for which they are unable to find answers within available documentation;
  • policy subjects intersect and staff do not know which policy takes priority; and
  • staff have conferred with their supervisors and local office managers and still cannot reach a policy decision.

Each office or Central Office business unit must collaborate and develop an internal process among managers, System Information Specialists (SISs) and supervisors to work through and screen questions before they are submitted to the Procedural Mailbox.

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OLGT 2023-41 procedural mailbox guidancee.pdf (309.85 KB) 309.85 KB