OLGT 2017-105 - Confidential Addresses


The Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) administered by the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth was established to provide survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking with a viable address alternative. It is a legal substitute address (a post office box) to use in place of a physical address whenever one is required by public agencies like DTA. As DV shelter residents are asked to keep the location secret as a condition of placement, they and ACP participants must not be denied the address protection these programs provide when they apply for or receive DTA benefits.  
The purpose of this Online Guide Transmittal is to advise staff about an Online Guide page revision that includes steps to ensure that the addresses of clients in DV shelters and the ACP are maintained as confidential on the Address page. 

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OLGT 2017-105 confidential addresses.pdf (184.54 KB) 184.54 KB