Hotline Focus for 03/03


The questions and answers in this month’s “From the Hotline” column concern the elimination of funding for the Employment Services Program (ESP). Refer to Field Operations Memo 2003-6 and Field Operations Memo 2003-6A for additional information on this topic.

Q. Will I receive a printout listing the AUs affected by the elimination of funding?

A. A list of impacted AUs in your caseload may be identified by accessing the “ESP Active Component Activity” View.

Q. Can I still authorize child care for recipients participating in programs that are not funded through ESP? For example, I currently have a recipient in a GED program funded by the Department of Education. Can I authorize child care for this AU?

A. Yes. You can continue to authorize child care for non-ESPfunded activities. To ensure that the child care is authorized for your recipient, remember to include the approved activity in this recipient’s Employment Development Plan (EDP).

Q. Have regulations concerning the sanctioning process been changed?

A. No. Policy regarding sanctions has not been revised as a result of the elimination of funding for ESP. However, remember that:

  • until recipients have been informed at their scheduled appointment of their revised responsibilities, they may not be sanctioned for failure to participate in an ESP- funded activity; and
  • exempt recipients cannot be sanctioned for failing to participate.

Finally, any individual who is a victim of domestic violence may request a good cause waiver of the work program requirement as well as the 24-month time limit. Refer to 106 CMR 203.110 for more information.

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