FYI August 2013: Globe Santa Fund for 2013


Globe Santa Fund for 2013
During the last week of August, active TAFDC, EAEDC and SNAP clients who live in the Globe Santa geographical area and have a dependent child age 12 and under, will be sent the Globe Santa Holiday Gift Verification Notice. This notice lists the name, date of birth and gender of all children in the household who are age 12 and under as of December 31st, 2013. It includes specific instructions for drafting letters to the Globe to submit with the verification, and a checklist to ensure that all information is provided to meet the client’s request. A second mailing will occur in early November for families who were approved for TAFDC, EAEDC or SNAP after the first mailing.

Unlike in previous years, these notices will not be printed on green paper. However, they will have the red Santa Claus watermark to assist the Globe in verifying the validity of the notices. TAO staff should encourage clients to use this notice, as it will help the Globe staff process the request. Clients who did not receive or misplaced the Globe Santa Holiday Gift Verification notice may contact their case manager to request another. For clients requesting a replacement, case managers should use the Globe Santa letter option, which is available from the Letter Request page in BEACON. The case manager should print the letter locally, date stamp it with the TAO date stamp, initial the letter and give it to the client making the request.

If a client returns completed holiday gift verification materials to the TAO, the case manager must forward them to Globe Santa at the address on the holiday gift verification letter. To ensure that only clients who live in eligible zip codes receive a Globe Santa letter, BEACON has been programmed to allow the Globe Santa letter to be printed only for a client living within one of the Globe Santa zip codes.

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