Field Ops Memo 2009-62: EAEDC – No Provider Number Needed

In May, the EAEDC Medical Report was revised. As part of the revision, the field used to identify the Medical Report Provider Number was eliminated. The Disability Evaluation Services (DES) unit requested this field be eliminated as they no longer required the information. However, the “Provider Number” field on the BEACON Report Results tab of the Disability window required a number to complete the window. If a number was not entered, the window was marked as “Requires Reedit” until a number was entered into that field. Field Operations Memo 2009-48 gave TAO staff a workaround to complete the “Provider Number” field on BEACON. Effective with BEACON Increment 2.1.26 scheduled for November 9, 2009, that workaround is no longer needed as the “Provider Number” field on BEACON will be grayed out. No entry will be needed in that field. This Field Operations Memo obsoletes Field Operations Memo 2009-48.
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