Field Ops Memo 2009-38A: Clarification – 24 Month Certifications for Elderly/Disabled SNAP Households

Field Operations Memo 2009-38 transmitted procedures for assigning 24- month SNAP certification periods to households where all adult members are elderly/disabled. It also described the BEACON data-fix which occurred on June 27-28 that automatically extended the certification periods of certain elderly/disabled households to 24 months. However, households with July or August recertification dates which received an extension notice had already been sent a standard Notice of Expiration (NOE) with instructions to complete and return a SNAP recertification form. This has resulted in confusion as to whether the household must complete a recertification, as indicated in the NOE, or whether the household does not need to take any action except report changes as required. This Field Operations Memo explains procedures for handling these cases.
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