Field Ops Memo 2008-22: Returned Mail Procedural Changes


This Field Operations Memo explains changes to how AU Managers are to process client mail returned to the TAOs.  These revisions are designed to minimize confusion for clients, avoid unnecessary termination of benefits to clients residing in Massachusetts, and eliminate unnecessary work for AU Managers.  Since Food Stamp Transitional Benefits Alternative (TBA) and Universal Semiannual Reporting (USR) households have no reporting requirement with regard to change of address, the procedures outlined in this memo do not apply to TBA and USR cases. However, if mail for TBA or USR households is returned to the TAO with a forwarding address, the mail must be forwarded to the new address and the new address entered on BEACON.  This will ensure that subsequent mailings and recertification documents are received by the client.   This memo obsoletes Field Operations Memo 2007-57.

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