Applying for Health Coverage: How does unemployment income count?

Vicky Pulos

This guide describes where to enter unemployment income on the combined application form used to apply for both MassHealth and help paying for private insurance from the Health Connector. It includes pictures of what some of  the key screens of the online health application look like and pictures of what some of the key screens of an online uninsurance income account look like. The added $600 per week unemployment authorized by the CARES Act does not count for MassHealth --it should not be entered as current unemployment income. But it does count for the Health Connector--it should be included as part of estimated yearly income for 2020. Expect to see mistakes. Hopefully this Guide will help you track them down and get your clients the affordable coverage they need. ​

See, also this document prepared by MassHealth and the Health Connector with tips for reporting income changes: Tips for Reporting Income Changes due to COVID 19 5-13-20
